Keep the Top of your Sales Funnel Perpetually FULL with InMarket Leads
You can no longer rely on what's worked in the past. B2C & B2B buyer behavior has shifted the balance of power.

Utilization is key to success.
Cookies or IP Tracking, which is better?
Problems with Cookies: the target of privacy advocates. Hard to maintain. Some devices, sites and browsers do not allow tracking. Tracking/blocking software/apps are prevalent.
Problems with IP’s: Only 15% of US Businesses have registered IP’s. Even when you know the business, you don’t know “who” of the (1000’s) employees at the business is consuming your content, clicking your ad etc.
- Do BOTH IP & Cookie tracking.
- PLUS, additional 400+ PERSISTENT Identifiers.
- Maintain over 8 YEARS of Historical Data.
- Re-Verify Cookies DAILY!
Know Everything That Matters - In Real Time!
Track every prospect in your marketplace for buying behavior. Get notified in real time - leverage your outbound marketing team - contact the prospects actively in market first! Insight means more than just knowledge of who is in market. It means you also know "why". Get Unprecedented Outbound Marketing Efficiency means you always have superior forces at the right time and place. Not only are you first to know and market, that means you get to define the buying criteria. All others will be compared to you.AUTOMATED SALES INSIGHT TRIGGERS
Real time alerts to your CRM when anyone in your existing database triggers an "inmarket" alert for any of your products or services. InMarket triggers meat a minimum behavior "threshhold" that our machine learning identifies as actively InMarket. We push full records, including additional email addresses, relationship emails, address, phone and more when available, including where your prospect is in the buying cycle and the most important factor, buying motivation. Your marketing team can jump into action with the best marketing for the individual prospect.AUTOMATED RETENTION INSIGHT TRIGGERS
Maybe the most valuable service we offer, the ability to save an existing client who is actively considering leaving you for your competitor. Just like our Sales Insight Triggers, we notify you in real time the moment an existing client triggers our "retention" alert so you can swiftly deploy your marketing and leadership team.
Get Massive Competitive Advantage While Improving R.O.I.C.
We believe anything that can be delivered programmatically, should be.
We believe anything that can be delivered programmatically, should be.

We are currently accepting…
- B2B clients for our Data Insight Alert (DIA) Program
- Personal Injury Auto Accident Firms for our InMarket PI Accident leads
– We notify you in real time the moment someone in your existing database is back In Market for your offer*
-We notify you in real time the moment an existing client is considering leaving you for a competitor
(*we can build the market database for you or add leads to monitor to your existing database )
- Instantly Empower your Outbound Marketing
- Increase R.O.I.C.

The Business with the most strategically relevant data wins. Possessing the power of true personalized (data driven) marketing is akin to wielding the power NEO of The Matrix possessed. Compared to Businesses using Facebook targeting, demographic, geo targeting or even Google targeting, you look like an advanced species among neanderthals! If you know site visitor A is worth $100k vs site visitor B’s $200 LTV – you know where and how much to allocate to acquire each visitor – you win. No more wasted ad spend. If you know visitor A is the same person when he shows up on his work PC, his personal laptop, his tablet and cell – you win. If you can take the same audience…pay for it once and use it across multiple channels – you win. If you know (the identity of) who is showing up on your website – you win. If you know who is actively researching a purchase of what you sell – you win. IF YOU KNOW WHEN YOUR EXISTING CLIENTS ARE ACTIVELY CONSIDERING LEAVING YOU FOR A COMPETITOR, YOU WIN! If you are implementing the Prediction R.O.I.C. Method – you win. If you’re not and your competitor is…

Our Programs
The Prediction Marketing Data Insight Alert (DIA). Program is a high-impact marketing and “sale generating” machine that allows businesses to scale with unprecedented precision and speed….
Our goal is to make you financially indestructible!
*Contact us to see if your business qualifies for our B2B (DIA) Data Insight Alert Program